“You Can’t Reason Anyone into the Kingdom”?

I recently saw a video in which a prominent New Testament Greek scholar, Dr. Bill Mounce, talks about what apologetics can and can’t do. The content of the video is worth considering, because Dr. Mounce takes three critical positions, all three of which are typical of what is frequently called “presuppositional” apologetics. Think about each […]

Questioning Authority

One of the basic principles introduced to students of philosophy is that it is important to question authority, i.e., that one of the signs of a mature mind is that it doesn’t believe everything it is told by an authority figure simply because the source is an authority figure. ((E.g., Robert C. Solomon, et al., […]

The Eye of The Beholder (Part Two)

In the first part of this discussion, I explained why it is reasonable to think that truth is objective. I then noted that many people think that beauty, unlike truth, is totally subjective, or “in the eye of the beholder.” But if beauty is purely subjective, and standards of beauty vary from one person to […]

You’re a Soul Man (Seriously)

In school, I am studying about the soul and how it relates to the body. While most of the things I’m writing for school would bore most people (sometimes myself included!), my reading has reinforced some important things the Bible says about the soul, and we all should be reminded of such truths. Here are […]

Whose Law Did the Nazis Violate?

Those who argue for the existence of God based on human morality have often cited a particular statement by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson. His statement is particularly relevant because it came in the trial of Nazi war criminals at the close of World War II. The Nazi leaders had argued that they were […]

“I’ve been taught not to question those things.”

Philosophers disagree about how to define philosophy. Is it a turn of mind, a professional field, a set of subject areas, or what? I have an opinion about this, which I will not defend here. Still, when I teach an introductory philosophy course, I must give a course description in the syllabus. So I put […]

Does God Have Free Will?

The Bible portrays God as having personal qualities that are both perfect and inalterable. ((Genesis 18:25; Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8)) That is, whatever personal qualities God has, He has them fully and He can in no way lose them. This is one way in which God’s infinity separates Him from finite creatures such as ourselves. […]

God’s Morality and Ours

One of the challenges to biblical morality, and one which has spurred much interesting discussion in values, is the so-called “Euthyphro dilemma,” which goes back to the Socratic dialogue called the Euthyphro. ((See Caleb Colley, “Why is Good Good?,” http://www.apologeticspress.org/APContent.aspx?category=12&article=3601 (2010).)) The dilemma goes like this: Why is something good? Is it good (1) because […]

A Response to Hume on General Revelation

The 18th-century Scottish philosopher David Hume is noted for his empiricism and general skepticism, especially concerning the supernatural basis of religion. Like many of our friends and neighbors, Hume thinks it is vain to attempt to prove that God exists and that there is a future world of reward and punishment. In a lively reading from […]

Put It To the Test

I recently spoke with a kind lady—call her Susan—who believes that miracles regularly occur in the present day. The present article is not designed to refute Susan’s position. It has been done elsewhere. Rather, I want to point out the basic principle that would help this lady (and many others) to stop believing falsehoods. Paul […]

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