The Bible Versus Seventh-day Adventism

One of the leading candidates for President of the United States is a prominent member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This article is not designed to oppose this man as a candidate or to advise people to vote one way or another. Rather, this article is to answer questions that have been occasioned by his […]

The Real Solution to Gun Violence

In the wake of the recent shooting at Umpqua College, political pundits are discussing various proposed solutions for gun violence. There is widespread disagreement about whether and how much government regulation is appropriate. Yet there are a few things on which all can agree: Guns as such do not commit crimes—people use guns in committing […]

The Pope’s Confusing Position on Abortion

Catholicism has been known for its opposition to elective abortion. The Catholic church has stood against abortion in the sense that the church’s Canon Law states that one’s participating in abortion procedure results in his automatic excommunication from the church. ((Code of Canon Law, TITLE VI,; cf. Colin B. Donovan, “Abortion – Excommunication,” EWTN […]

Revolt in Israel

Numbers 16 and 17 are fascinating chapters. Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, along with 250 chiefs of Israel, accused Moses and Aaron of taking the leadership of Israel by presumption: “You have gone too far! For all in the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the Lord is among them. Why then do you […]

God is Not Mocked

Does anyone really try to mock, ridicule, or sneer at God? It must be a real temptation for some to mock God, for Paul warned us against it in Galatians 6:7: “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.” Enemies of God have sometimes mocked God […]

The Main Reason Why There Is No Racial Supremacy

In the wake of the senseless killing of nine church attendees in Charleston, South Carolina last week, there has been much attention to the issue of racial supremacy. Dylann Roof is suspected of committing the Charleston murders because he believed that the white race has greater dignity than the black race. Racial supremacy is rightly […]


Hypocrites are a particular breed of liars. They are by definition, insincere play-actors. The Greek word translated “hypocrite” refers to those who are on the stage playing a role. We use the word “hypocrite” as Jesus did, to refer to those who don’t practice what they preach. Sometimes, tragically, people will leave the church and […]

Four Generations

From time to time we see a photograph that pictures four generations of family members. These photographs are very special, because they show that there are shared values and memories among those who span the decades and yet represent the same family. There is a Bible verse that mentions four generations. It’s 2 Timothy 2:1-2: “Thou […]

Five Great Lessons from the Book of Ezra

The late gospel preacher Frank Dunn, in his book Know Your Bible, noticed five great lessons from the book of Ezra, each of which is relevant to the present-day Christian. ((Temple: Frank and Yvonne Dunn (1997), 163-165.)) I have adapted these five lessons here: There are disastrous results from failing to study God’s word. The people’s ignorance […]

Naaman and Us

The biblical account of Naaman, the commander of the army of Syria (2 Kings 5:1-14) is a beautiful living picture of how God saves man. Naaman was afflicted with leprosy, a terrible disease. His wife had a servant girl who had been captured from Israel. The Hebrew servant girl urged that the family consult with […]

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