“Jesus is Lord,” a Controversial Phrase 

Christians love to say and sing the words “Jesus is Lord,” because the phrase is a summary statement of biblical faith. It affirms not only that there is a God, but that the Person of Christ, has visited Earth as Jesus, the Son of Man, and has sacrificed Himself for the sins of the world […]

Something More than Christians?

Sometimes people will ask, “What are you, religiously?” One who follows the Bible may simply answer, “I am a Christian.” But this may not satisfy the one asking the question; he may insist on greater specificity: “I mean, what church are you a member of?” The Bible believer will simply say, “I am a member […]

A Husband’s Eulogy for His Wife

Monty Williams is a former NBA basketball player and currently an assistant coach with Oklahoma City Thunder. Earlier this month, Williams’ wife Ingrid was killed in a car accident when Susannah Donaldson’s car, traveling at 92 miles per hour, crossed over the median and hit Mrs. Williams’ car head-on. Both women died, and three of […]

A Tragic Anniversary, an Ongoing Holocaust

The word “holocaust” literally denotes a “situation in which many people are killed.” ((“Holocaust,” Merriam-Webster, http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/holocaust (2015).)). When we think of the word “holocaust,” we usually think of the German-led murder of six million Jews and about three million others. But speaking strictly in terms of number of deaths, there is an ongoing holocaust in […]

The Bible and Population Growth

For years there have been heated discussions about the Earth’s population. Some, like Paul Ehrlich in the late 1960s and 70s, warned that the Earth could not support the growing human population. ((See “The Population Bomb?,” The New York Times, http://www.nytimes.com/video/us/100000003712862/the-population-bomb.html?action=click&contentCollection=us&module=embedded&region=caption&pgtype=article (2015).)) He wrote the bestselling The Population Bomb (1968), repeatedly went on Johnny Carson’s […]

The Bible Versus Seventh-day Adventism

One of the leading candidates for President of the United States is a prominent member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This article is not designed to oppose this man as a candidate or to advise people to vote one way or another. Rather, this article is to answer questions that have been occasioned by his […]

The Bible and Doping in Sports

In sports there is sometimes a desire to win at practically all costs. Drugs employed by athletes for sport include agents that make the body stronger, larger, increase oxygen carrying capacity, provide energy and/or stimulation, and decrease recovery time after exertion. ((Ray Tricker and David L. Cook, Athletes at Risk: Drugs and Sport (Dubuque: Wm. […]

NY Times: Children Need a Father

In recent years, as The New York Times has glorified the sexual revolution’s redefinition of the family, the paper has vigorously argued that children are not really disadvantaged by having no father. ((See Albert Mohler, “The Briefing 10-28-15,” http://www.albertmohler.com/2015/10/28/the-briefing-10-28-15/.)) The Times’ blaring message has been that it makes no difference whether a child has one […]

The Pope’s Confusing Position on Abortion

Catholicism has been known for its opposition to elective abortion. The Catholic church has stood against abortion in the sense that the church’s Canon Law states that one’s participating in abortion procedure results in his automatic excommunication from the church. ((Code of Canon Law, TITLE VI, http://www.vatican.va/archive/ENG1104/__P57.HTM; cf. Colin B. Donovan, “Abortion – Excommunication,” EWTN […]

Revolt in Israel

Numbers 16 and 17 are fascinating chapters. Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, along with 250 chiefs of Israel, accused Moses and Aaron of taking the leadership of Israel by presumption: “You have gone too far! For all in the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the Lord is among them. Why then do you […]

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